Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wisdom List Post Number 1

My wisdom list started when I used a Personal Data Assistant (PDA) and I would enter sayings that people would say to remind me of the wisdom that friends and others have created or quoted. I decided this morning that this was destined for my (neglected) blog. The list is a little long for a single blog entry and it will give me a number of topics. O, and by-the-way, there are two lists – Mary Chris’ and then the general list. Let’s start with Mary Chris’ list first. I will use the designation MCL Entry and General Entry to distinguish between the two lists.

MCL Entry one: “I'd rather ask for forgiveness for accepting someone I shouldn't have than for not accepting someone I should have.” Mary Chris said this at the Transfiguration Vestry Meeting on 8-18-2003

MCL Entry two: “I can't say your sin is worse than mine.” Mary Chris said this at the Transfiguration Vestry Meeting on 8-18-2003

My reaction and why I think this is wisdom

The vestry of Transfiguration was dealing with an exodus of sorts. People had heard about the consecration of Gene Robinson as the bishop of New Hampshire (for those who don’t know he is the first openly, gay bishop in the Episcopal Church). Michael Knight, the Vicar of Transfiguration, said that we should be more open-minded when reading scripture. People left the parish because of these events – Wow. Mary Chris had prayed about this issue intensely. This was her statement.

It makes me realize that the person deciding who gets into the church or God’s kingdom is not me. As someone else said that job is taken. It is our place to love the people who come to be with us on our journey to Christ and love and live with them. Judgment is one of the most powerful tools in the arsenal arrayed against the Church and really any group that is trying to be or create community. We need to work on our own sins and not condemn others because of theirs. Oh, if I could only live this way.

General Entry One: “Do I want more than I need? Do I want more than you?” John Buford said this at a Kairos planning meeting on 1-9-2003

General Entry Two: “When we listen that's when they hear us... Loud silence... Speaking by listening.” John Buford said this at Kairos planning meeting on 12-19-2003.

My reaction and why I think this is wisdom

John Buford and I served on few Kairos teams together. Kairos is an organization within the church that provides spiritual retreats (like Cursillo) in prisons. John and I served at the State Correction Institution of Chester (SCI Chester). These bits of wisdom came during a team meeting in preparation for one of these retreats.

First John was making a point about God’s provision and that it comes for our needs and not necessarily our wants. Our wants can cause conflict and division within the community. This needs to be avoided and we need to learn to be content with God’s provision.

Then John talks about how we should treat the people coming to the retreat. Loud Silence and Listening. This is so true not only in the context of ministry like this but also life in general. I need to listen more and not worry about silence. Loud Silence and listening can be profound to the other. It shows respect and provides an opportunity to learn.