Friday, April 2, 2010

Bad Day Quota used up!

Let me tell you about my new project. March 17, 2010 was a bad day for me. Right now I don’t recall the specifics - things at work not going the way I planned or liked and my emotions getting the better of me. I decided near the end of the day, that March 17 (with apologizes and thanks to St. Patrick) was my last bad day. I have none left. I decided that I was given a number of self-indulgent days that I have abused and, quite frankly, squandered away and now the quota is up. I have no more days like that left.

Playing this little trick on myself, I hope to control the sometimes out-of-control emotions that rise from unknown internal sources and just plain ruin my day, not to mention life, career and other important relationships.

From a purely rational point of view, I know that I am playing a trick on myself and bad stuff will come down the line. That’s not what I am talking about – I mean “self-inflicted” bad days. This comes from emotions expended on situations or the behavior of others. These things are out of my control and do not need, nor do they deserve the negative internal energy I spend on them, especially when that energy spills (or spews) out on those around me. This is what I can control, and I will.

I ask that you pray for me as I begin this endeavor. I know that life is good and my life is especially good. I have been blest so that I can be a blessing for others. I cannot bless others when I have self-inflicted bad days.

Isn’t it amazing how we as human beings can decide things like this and implement a change? Humans are so finely designed – life is good.